Friday, April 4, 2014

Snap That Call Number

Just like a URL on the web, a library call number is the unique location where you will find an item in the collection. Whether you are heading into the stacks or requesting an item from behind the desk, you need the full call number. Rather than trying to transcribe it accurately and legibly ("Is that a 5 or an S?"), you can just use your cell phone camera to snap a photo of the screen from your own laptop or our dedicated catalog computers.

May students have already figured this out, but we wanted to tip you off if it hadn't occurred to you yet. You can hand you phone over to the desk staff when requesting reserve items; we promise not to answer any calls in the few seconds it takes to find your item.

Our online catalog interface has been upgraded to be more mobile-device/small screen-friendly, but it still may be easier to type your search with a full-size keyboard.

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